Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Choosing the right clip-on hair extensions

Step 1:

Choosing hair colour

Matching the colour of the hair extension to your hair is very ESSENTIAL so that it looks natural. However, it doesn't matter if you are not sure whether your hair colour matches the hair extension. Most likely, it won't, as there are too many shades of brown available. Choose the colour that is the CLOSES to your real hair colour.

Just keep in mind that you are choosing a colour that you want your hair to look like. You can dye either your own hair or the hair extension to make it match the other later. You can also dye both.

Remember you want to look as if the hair extensions belongs to your real hair. Therefore, having matching colours is crucial.

Step 2:
How much hair extensions do i need?

If you have:

a) long, thin hair-
Chooose 3 pieces of 'Glamorous' hair extension or 1 piece of 'Glamorous' hair extension and 2 pieces of voluminous hair extension. If you want lots of volume, it is recommended to choose 4 pieces of glamorous hair extension.

b) middle length hair
Choose 4 pieces of glamorous hair extension.

c) short hair
Choose the Hollywood hair extension set or 5 pieces of glamorous hair extension.

Now you're ready to rumble, head on down to our order form and fill out the details. For more info, email us at hairextensionshop@hotmail.com and we'll try to help you with your dilemma.

1 comment:

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